Sujet : Commandes admin pour les noobzor! | | Posté le 26-04-2004 à 00:00:54
| -ADMIN Commands: ************************************ PS: <ClientNum> can also be partial player name. and all admin cmd can be typed in rcon without any restriction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIT VALUE | Admin CMD -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 131072 | -ammindtrick <ClientNum> : mindtrick/unmindtrick a player. when mindtricked, he can't see other players. 524288 | -amstatus : give all ID CLientNUM of each player 8388608 | -npc : spawn a NPC => /npc spawn NPC_NAME or /npc spawn vehicle VEHICLE_NAME 4194304 | -ampsay <ClientNum> <MSG> : display a message to the player CLient Number.. IF it is -1 it will be displayed to all players 2097152 | -ammap <GameType> <mapNAME> : change the map with the selected gametype 0 = FFA 3 = DUEL one on one tournament 4 = POWER DUEL 6 = TEAM DEATHMATCH 7 = SIEGE 8 = CTF 32 | -amslap <ClientNum> : SLap the player in random direction 2 | -amkick <ClientNum> : kick player 4 | -amban <ClientNum> : kick and ban player : use /rcon removeip <IP-MASK> to remove the IP from the g_banips list 256 | -amghost <ClientNum> : the player become a ghost. if the clientNum argument is not given, the cmd is applied to you 512 | -amdenyvote <ClientNum> : deny/allow a player to callVote. 8 | -amslay <ClientNum> [<BOdyPartNum> ]: Dismember player. the <BOdyPartNum> is an optional integer representing the number of the body part. 64 | -amsleep <ClientNum> : SLeep the player. <ClientNum> can be the value -1 for all the players 128 | -amwake <ClientNum> : wake the player. <ClientNum> can be the value -1 for all the players 8192 | -ampunsish <ClientNum> :punsish the player. <ClientNum> can be the value -1 for all the players 16384 | -amunpunsish <ClientNum> :unpunsish the player. <ClientNum> can be the value -1 for all the players 2048 | -amsilence <ClientNum> : silence the player. <ClientNum> can be the value -1 for all the players 4096 | -amunsilence <ClientNum> : unsilence the player. <ClientNum> can be the value -1 for all the players 1024 | -amprotect <ClientNum> : portect the player or unprotect it if called another time. if <ClientNum> argument is missing, the command is applyed to the player who typed it. the protection stop during the use of the force. 16 | -amorigin [<ClientNum>] : give (X,Y,Z) of the player.if <ClientNum> argument is missing, the command is applyed to the player who typed it. 262144 | -amtele [<ClientNum>] X Y Z Yaw : teleporte player to (X,Y,Z) with the angle view YAW in degree. if <ClientNum> argument is missing, the command is applyed to the player who typed it. /amtele player_id player_dest_ID : teleport the player near the player_dest /amtele player_dest_id : teleport your self near the player_dest /amtele withour argument teleport yourself at the point where u used /amtelemark 1048576 | -amwhois : to know who is logged as an Admin | 32768 | -amempower [<ClientNum>] : enforce power of the player.if <ClientNum> argument is missing, the command is applyed to the player who typed it. 65536 | -ammerc [<ClientNum>] : give/Ungive all weapons to a player.if <ClientNum> argument is missing, the command is applyed to the player who typed it. 16777216 | -amrename <ClientNum> <new_name> : change the name of the player 33554432 | -amlockteam <team> : lock/unlock a team . it changes the jp_teamLock server cvar automatically <team> = s (spectator), f (free), b (blue), r (red) 67108864 | -amforceteam <ClientNum> <team> : force a player to join a team <team> = s (spectator), f (free), b (blue), r (red) <ClientNum> can be -1 for all players 134217728 | -amkillvote: kill a vote in progress 268435456 | -amvstr <Cmd_Name > : execute on the server a seta cmd name. You have to setup it before in your server.cfg ==> ex : seta Cmd_Name "echo All Forces;g_forcePowerDisable 0" ==> then /amvstr Cmd_Name is the same as /rcon vstr Cmd_Name //////////////// Other cmds //////////////// -amlogin <password> : log player as a Admin COuncil ( see Cvar jp_councilPass) or Admin knight ( see Cvar jp_knightPass) -amlogout : logout from admin right. -amtelemark : that marks a point of the map..... then use /amtele without any arguments to teleport yourself to this point of the map..... ideal to come back to point for exemple when u duel sith somone. - ampoll [question] : admins can make a POLL and player awnser by voting YES or NO. g_allowvote must be set to 1 and ampoll vote type must be also allowed by the cvar jp_votesDisable. -admCmdPrev,admCmdNext,playerPrev,playerNext,admCmdEXE : cmds to execute admin cmds on players without going into the console. Those cmd are binded in the admin.cfg. - admin guns see the admin.cfg //////////////// Rcon CMDs /////////////// - all admin cmd can be typed in rcon : ex: /rcon ammap 0 mp/ffa5 -admGrant < ID player> <level> where <level> = "council", "knight" or "no" (remove admin access) -admToggle < ID Cmd> <level> where <level> = council, knight allow/disallow and admin cmd for council or kight. It changes automatically the server cvar jp_councilAllowedCMD and jp_knightAllowedCMD type admToggle without argument to display help and see the ID of adm cmds. -removeip <Ip-mask> to remove an IP from the ban list. If <Ip-mask> is "all" , it will remove all IPs in the ban list. - BAN ADMIN ACCESS: - admAddIP, admRemoveIP, admListIP : player IPs that are admin-banned.. those players can't use amlogin cmd to log as an admin. - admAddIP <Ip-mask> : add an IP to the admin-ban list in the cvar jp_banAdminIPs. - admRemoveIP <Ip-mask> : remove an IP from the admin-ban list. If <Ip-mask> is "all" , it will remove all IPs - admListIP : display all admin-banned IPs -admBan < ID admin player> : Ban/Unban an admin. if baned, this admin is autoLogOut and his IP is added to the admin-ban list in the cvar jp_banAdminIPs. If you execute this cmd another time, the player will be admin-unbanned. voila^^ rien a ajouter^^ fifi |
| | Posté le 26-04-2004 à 00:02:08
| jespere ke vous savez lire l'anglais mdr parce ke je vais pa me faire chier a traduire cette page^^ fifi |
| | Posté le 26-04-2004 à 13:13:38
| notez cependant que en admin knight vous n'avez que 3-4 commandes dispos... je modifierai les levels si le besoin s'en fait sentir -amstatus : sert a voir l'ID des joueurs -amkick + ID pour kicker ^^ -ammerc seul pour vous mettre Super Merc ou avec un ID pour metre super Merc un autre joueur (pour le fun sans abus ) -amslap + ID (une bonne paire de baffe ca defoule^^) ampunish ; amunpunish (à utiliser sur tous les naze qui vous font chier ou qui resspectent pas les autres) -amsleep ; amwake (un ptit roupillon en millieu d'après-midi.. est-ce reelement serieux? ^^) et je crois que c tout pour les knight ^^ |