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 Pourquoi basejk?

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obiwan kenobi ?
739 messages postés
   Posté le 03-07-2004 à 17:24:30   Voir le profil de fillia_the_best (Offline)   http://www.forceofsaber.fr.st   Envoyer un message privé à fillia_the_best   

1/ on change de serv la semaine prochaine v pas me faire chier a upload japlus alors que ca va disparaitre!
2/ reapprendre a jouer sur la base du jeu (ou apprendre pour certain)
3/ les war amicales sont faites en basejk uniquement(si vous voulez vous ramassez jouer donc en japlus)
4/ Idem war ESL
5/Quand on est bon a japlus on est nul en basejk, mais quand on est bon sur basejk on est bon partout!
6/Pour etre bon en basejk faut observer les bon joueurs base genre maxston par exemple ----> aller sur dlo vous ferais pas de mal!
7/Si c si dur de devenir bon a basejk, pourquoi moi pup, et kerz on y arrive?-----> entrainement + apprentissage de nouveaux coups (pas de secret)

Maintenant j'ai pas dis qu'on remetra pas japlus mais j'apprecierais que les membres essaye de faire un effort d'apprentissage!! On se repose pas sur ses acquis on essaye de s'ameliorer toujours ---->

Des commentaires???


685 messages postés
   Posté le 03-07-2004 à 17:56:00   Voir le profil de Vorlox (Offline)   http://jk-connection.no-ip.org   Envoyer un message privé à Vorlox   

Oui totale d'accord
et je suis bien placer pour progresser ^^
C'est vrai que les duels en basejka sont totalement plus dur quand japlus donc faut vraiment garder basejka je pense

Woua Pyth c'est un putin de Roxor xD
le bouché de krakovy !
187 messages postés
   Posté le 03-07-2004 à 19:32:30   Voir le profil de PuPu2h3ll (Offline)   Envoyer un message privé à PuPu2h3ll   

ui c'est dur basejk. C'est pour ca que l'on entend souvent les gens se pleindre et dire :" ouiii c'est nul !! ouiiiiiii c de la moule !!! ouiiiiii les contres !!!!!! ouiiiiiiiiiiiii ca tu en un coup !!!!!!!" bon deja pour tuer en 1 coup faut kan meme avoir une certaine maitrise et il suffit de s entrainer c'est pas si dure que ca et il suffit d'un peu de bonne volonté . Seulement certain s'obstine a vivre dans le passé avec des reflection qui me font bien rire genre : "ouiiiiii mais jk2 c'est mieux !!!" donc a c'est personne je leur dirai c'est grace a des personne comme ca que les chose n avance pas ! il faut s adapter et evolué si tu suis pas tu creve ! et c'est se qui se passe car il s obstine a vivre dans le passé ! et il se font dechiré car il refuse tte evolution. Ensuite pour les pro JA+ moi meme etant un grand adepte de ce mode je m adapte et m apercois bien que si on veut que notre clan rayonne dans la communauté jka faut que l' on joue en base et pas avec un vulgaire mode a la con ! moi je suis une loque en base et pourtant j aime mieux base c'est plus teknik je trouve plus stressant et d'un certain point de vue plus realiste . faut temporiser et bien timer ces saut pour reussir a toucher l adversaire sinon ca part ton coup . A ja+ c'est plus simple ca passe tt le temps suffit de te baisser tu te met au milieu de la melée et tu tape ^^ donc c'est sur que kan on a joué tt le temps a ja+ ou a jk2 ca change mais a se moment si ca plait pas je dirai simplement kil fallait pas acheter le jeux.

Message édité le 03-07-2004 à 19:35:09 par PuPu2h3ll
ReGgAe PoWaAa !! ;)
644 messages postés
   Posté le 03-07-2004 à 20:44:38   Voir le profil de Kerz (Offline)   Envoyer un message privé à Kerz   

ba moi pup je suis daccor ac toi car now ji arrive meiu et je me suis testé ché dlo et jme suis aps retamé (2e alors kavant looool ......)
donc c accesible pr tous !!

La vitesse de la lumière étant supérieure à celle du son, il est donc normal que beaucoup de personnes paraissent brillantes jusqu'à ce qu'elles ouvrent leur gueule...

Membre désinscrit
   Posté le 03-07-2004 à 22:57:36   

Ouais c'est clair... En plus sur basejka la grosse ****** c'est que tu dois attendre 10 secondes avant un nouveau duel et quand tu commence un duel tu ne salues mm pas au départ !

ReGgAe PoWaAa !! ;)
644 messages postés
   Posté le 03-07-2004 à 22:58:51   Voir le profil de Kerz (Offline)   Envoyer un message privé à Kerz   

mauvais point bummmmmmmpppppppppppp !!!!!

La vitesse de la lumière étant supérieure à celle du son, il est donc normal que beaucoup de personnes paraissent brillantes jusqu'à ce qu'elles ouvrent leur gueule...

le bouché de krakovy !
187 messages postés
   Posté le 05-07-2004 à 11:44:21   Voir le profil de PuPu2h3ll (Offline)   Envoyer un message privé à PuPu2h3ll   

ue lol
ReGgAe PoWaAa !! ;)
644 messages postés
   Posté le 05-07-2004 à 12:02:56   Voir le profil de Kerz (Offline)   Envoyer un message privé à Kerz   

moi je crée un new mod
lol c jabase les point fort sont :
-tout les bug de japlus et base ^^
-degat base mais duel japlus ^^
-si un mec na pa japlus ba il joura en base et si il a les deux ba c tan mieu pr lui et tt le monde peu se connecté dessus ^^ vla ^^ mad in france by kerz ^^

La vitesse de la lumière étant supérieure à celle du son, il est donc normal que beaucoup de personnes paraissent brillantes jusqu'à ce qu'elles ouvrent leur gueule...

obiwan kenobi ?
739 messages postés
   Posté le 05-07-2004 à 14:28:59   Voir le profil de fillia_the_best (Offline)   http://www.forceofsaber.fr.st   Envoyer un message privé à fillia_the_best   

Loool et ca marche??? jai des doutes ^^


ReGgAe PoWaAa !! ;)
644 messages postés
   Posté le 05-07-2004 à 18:50:57   Voir le profil de Kerz (Offline)   Envoyer un message privé à Kerz   

oui cela fonctionne ^^ jte jure !! vien testé ^^

La vitesse de la lumière étant supérieure à celle du son, il est donc normal que beaucoup de personnes paraissent brillantes jusqu'à ce qu'elles ouvrent leur gueule...

obiwan kenobi ?
739 messages postés
   Posté le 25-07-2004 à 17:04:00   Voir le profil de fillia_the_best (Offline)   http://www.forceofsaber.fr.st   Envoyer un message privé à fillia_the_best   

Apres une discussion acharnée sur si oui ou non on allait remettre japlus, on s'est apercu que le serv plantait avec le mod lololz

Donc ben, on reste en basejk

petit recapitulatif des cmd rcon sur basejk :

Command can be used to manually add bots to a game. If done in the server.cfg you should put this line after a map has been started.
The command is addbot [skill] [team] [delay]
Usage: addbot Luke 4 blue 20

Display information about clients (players) connected to server.

Clear console buffer.

Displays gamedate, gamename, map, protocol, version, dmflags, frag/timelimits, hostname, maxclients, etc as separated strings for server-query programs.

Shuts down the server (same as \rcon quit)

Displays memory usage info.

Displays a list of video modes.

Change to next map in mapcycle.

Display current search path settings. This is the list of all the places the game will look for data and files

rconpassword xxxxxx
Sets the rcon password on a server.
Ex: set rconpassword xxxxxx

Enable timegraph display.

bot_enable 1
Enables bots when set to 1.

bot_minplayers 4
This command can be used to keep a server populated with random bots when empty.
Bots are kicked when players join.

cl_motd 1
Enable message of the day display

If disabled, multiplies kick damage by 10, making a kick do 10-20hp damage. Default is 1.

If set to 1 the game will auto cycle to the next map from the maplist.

Enable players connected to the server to call for and vote on changes including: map, map restart, kick, and g_gametype. The default is 1, which is on. Set to 0 to turn off voting.

If set to 1, allows players to suicide using the kill command during a duel. If set to 0 players will be unallowed to kill themselves via the console.

If set to 1, enables extra kicks and throws to be used while the melee (fist) weapon is selected. Also enables wallgrabbing. Default is 0.

Can be a number in the range of 0 to 100, and sets the dismemberment probabilities. 0 means never, whereas 100 means every time a player dies from a saber hit of appropriate damage. This will not do anything for clients that do not have their cg_dismember cvar set appropriately.

Same as above, but only when playing Duel. This is separate to encourage Duel mode to be saber-only.
Usage: set g_duelWeaponDisable 0

In the server config file, you must include this line to enable banning.
Usage: set g_filterban 1

If set to 1, then the red team must use the dark side, the blue team must use the light side.

Nothing is disabled if set to 0. All force powers are disabled if set to 262143. The number is the total of a bitfield with 15 bits, each bit representing a force power. 163837 for jump, offence and defense only.

Specifies the force regeneration rate. Players will regain 1 force point every x milliseconds, where x is the value of this cvar. Default is 200.

Force players to respawn in # of seconds
Usage: set g_forcerespawn 90

Determines if players can damage their own teammates. Set to 1 to allow players to damage their own teammates. Set to 0 so players can not damage their own teammates. Setting has no effect for free-for-all or tournament modes. A setting of 1 is suggested for team deathmatch, while a setting of 0 is suggested for Capture The Flag, especially if it's a public server.
Usage: set g_friendlyFire 1

If set to 1, then team members can be hit by sabers that are idle (e.g. if you walk into a friend). It doesn't affect if the saber will hit players while swinging. Whether it does damage or not is determined by g_friendlyFire.

Controls the type of gameplay (FFA, Duel, Power Duel, TFFA, Siege, CTF). The default is 0, which is for free for all mode.
0=Free For All
4=Power Duel
6=Team Free For All
8=Capture the Flag

Set or display the world gravity with this variable. (Lower number is less gravity) Default is 800.
Usage: set g_gravity 800

Kick inactive players automatically after # number of seconds
Usage: set g_inactivity 1800

If 1, damage will be modified based on hit location for all weapons including light saber. If 0 damage will be the same regardless of hit location (JK2 style). Default is 1.

Sets the name of the server log file. The default is games.log and does not need to be modified unless running multiple dedicated servers on the same computer.
Usage: set g_log

Number from 0 to 7, going from Initiate to Jedi Master. The higher the rank, the more points to spend on powers.

Sets the message that clients will see when they first connect to your server. AVOID using punctuation marks of any kind, but keep the message in quotes.
Usage: set g_motd "Don't be lame just play the game"

If set to 1, after dying in Siege a spectator cannot move and will be frozen in place. Not much reason for using this, but it's there if you want it.

Sets the password for general player/public access. Players need to put SET PASSWORD xxxx in the client side config file to access the server. An other option is to connect to that server, open the console windows and type \password xxxx. This is the general password for access, not the PrivateClient password setting.
Usage: set g_password "xxxx"

If set to 1, then the "engage_duel" key is functional in FFA games. Sort of an "unadvertised command", you can brandish your lightsaber, target an enemy and press the key. If he receives the message and presses his engage_duel key, then you are isolated from other combatants and must duel to the death. Saber only, no force powers other than jump. This is the only time saberlock is operational in FFA. The winner gets his health replenished and bragging rights.

Multiplier for saber damage, does not modify 1-hitpoint damage done idly and in returns and such. For example, setting to 0.5 is half the normal damage, 2 is twice the normal damage. Default is 1.

If set to 1, allows saber locking while playing Duel or while in a private duel.

Can be a value within a range of 0-20. 0 means saberlocking will never happen, where 20 means it will happen every time an appropriate saber clash occurs. Default value is 2. g_saberLocking must be 1 for this cvar to mean anything.

If 1, in Siege games teams will switch sides after each round to beat the last team's time. If 0, teams will remain constant. Default is 1.

g_speed (default: 320)
Set or display player running speed with this variable.
Usage: set g_speed 425

Syncs all clients up to allow demo recording. The default is the more desired 0 which allows smoother net play. Set to 1 to allow client demo recording.
Usage: set g_syncronousclients 0

g_teamAutoJoin 0
Auto join (default is 0) - players join upon connecting.

g_teamForceBalance 1
Force team balancing so teams don't become stacked on one side
Players joining are automatically placed on the proper team.

Sets the amount of time in seconds that players may practice before the actual match starts. The default is 20 seconds. This lets players disconnect and keeps one player who is first to connect from grabbing a flag.
Usage: set g_warmup <#seconds>

Nothing is disabled if set to zero. Lightsaber only if set to 65531. The number is the total of a bitfield with 16 bits, each bit representing a weapon. Only when playing Duel. This is separate to encourage Duel mode to be saber-only. Set 524279 to disable ammo too.

Used to set the number of seconds between the time a weapon is picked up and the time it respawns. The default is 5 seconds in free for all and should only be modified if a free for all server has a large number of players on it, in which case lower it slightly. It is not recommend that it be set to 0 or modified for other game types. Turn on weapon stay if you want weapons to remain on the map and leave this command out.
Usage: set g_weaponrespawn <#seconds>

allows auto downloading when set to 1, Server must be set to pure for this to work. Default is 1.

Enable Cheats. 1 = yes, 0 = no
Usage: set sv_cheats 0

Protect server from being brought down by flood.
Usage: set sv_floodProtect 1

set server frames per second
Usage: set sv_fps 20

Sets the server name that will show up in the master server list. The name must be enclosed in quotes if a space is in the name. Way too often this is left blank. Use this to tell people the name of your server.
Usage: set sv_hostname "yourservernamehere"

set a list of keywords for server browsers that support searching server lists.

Sets the primary master server to which your server reports. The default is masterjk3.ravensoft.com and it is not recommended that this be changed. Additional master servers can be added with the sv_master2 through 5 command. The maximum number of masters that can be reported to is 5.
Usage: set sv_master2

sv_maxclients (minus amount of sv_privateClients)
Sets the maximum amount of clients that can connect to the server. The default setting is 8. Setting should be increased for large free for all, team deathmatch, or CTF maps. Increase this number if you add private clients.
Usage: set sv_maxclients 16

Ping limits: only players with pings in this range can connect to your server.

Sets the maximum allowable rate a client may have set when connected to the server. The default is 0, which is no limit. A suggested setting is 10000 so server bandwidth is not used up by high speed clients, thus allowing modem players to have a smoother game.
Usage: set sv_maxRate 10000

sv_paks ""
Set list of .pak files to use.

Sets the number of private clients who can connect on a full server. The private clients are included in the maxclients setting. So if maxclients is set to 8, and privateclients is set to 2, only 6 players can join to fill the server. The last 2 slots are reserved for privateclients (i.e. Admins)
Usage: set sv_privateclients 2

Sets a privateclient password on the server so only privateclients that know the password can connect to the server. Clients use the set privatepassword command in their config file to connect. The default is for no password required. Set to "" for no password. Better yet, eliminate the line item, or precede the line with // to remark it out.
Usage: set sv_privatePassword "xxxx"

See top of this page for details. This controls crc/zip check of client pk3 files to make sure the pk3 file has not been modified for cheating or other purposes. Client pk3 files must match that of the server to connect. The default is set to 1, or on. Set to 0 to turn off check.
Usage: set sv_pure 1

sv_reconnectlimit 3
Set server reconnect limit.

sv_serverid 0
Set server id.

sv_showloss 0
Enable/disable server packet loss display.

sv_timeout 120
Set server timeout time.

sv_zombietime 2
Set inactivity time before clients (zombies) are disconnected.


Rcon Commands (can be used ingame) [TOP]

Note: don't forget to add "\rcon" in front of every command!

\rcon map_restart
Restarts the map after 5 seconds. You can add a number if you want it to be more or less then 5 seconds. (0 = instant mapchange)
Example: \rcon map_restart 10

\rcon map [mapname]
Note: standard JKA maps can be found in the subdirectory mp/
Example: \rcon map mp/ffa1

\rcon timelimit XX (in minutes)

\rcon fraglimit XX

\rcon capturelimit XX
Sets the number of flags that should be captured in CTF in order to win.

\rcon forcetoggle
You can type this in the server console to see the list of options and proper usage. This command basically allows you to toggle all force powers on/off at your will.

\rcon timescale
Set the ratio between game time and real time. Setting less then one (i.e. 0.5) makes everything go slower, setting higher then one (i.e. 1.5) makes everything faster. Default is 1.
Note: best is not to set this higher then 2. Your server will start to lag bigtime and might crash eventually!

\rcon status
Shows the client number (num), score, ping, player name (name), client IP address (address), and port connected through (qport). Client number is used in conjunction with the kick/clientkick command.

\rcon clientkick XX
Replace XX by the ID number of the player you wish to kick. ID numbers can be found with rcon status.

\rcon kick [player's name or ID number]
The ID number of the player is found when you have already done an rcon status.
Once this variable is set, you can ban IP addresses from the rcon.

\rcon addip
Adds this IP address to the banlist.

\rcon addip 289.292.0
Bans the entire class c subnet
This command bans everyone in the 289.292.0.XXX network. Effective for banning problem players who have a dynamic IP address. Yes, you probably can ban the entire subnet, but you'll loose a lot of potential players. It's up to you.

\rcon removeip
Removes this IP address from the ban list.

\rcon g_banips
Shows the IP banlist in console.


Command Line / Console Server Commands [TOP]

+set dedicated #
The variable after the DEDICATED command determines if your game server is broadcasted to the ID Master. 1 = NO, 2 = YES
If you want players to see your server on the Internet or Gamespy, set this variable to 2

+set com_hunkmegs <##>
The com_hunkmegs command must be set on the command line and will not work if executed in a config file. com_hunkmegs allocates a certain amount of memory for map and item loading.

The command com_hunkmegs is used to increase or decrease the size of memory used by the game. By default it is set to 56 which allows the game to run on computers with 64 megs of ram. If your system has more than 64 MB of RAM, you can adjust this value to allow for the loading of more unique models.
Example: jamp.exe +set dedicated 2 +set com_hunkmegs 128

+set net_ip
If you are on a multi-homed server and the default IP is not what you want to use for your JKA server, the net_ip command will need to be used. This must be set on the command line in the following form.
Usage: +set net_ip "youripaddressgoeshere"
Sample: jamp.exe +set dedicated 1 +set net_ip

+set net_port
Changing the default server port requires the net_port command be run on the command line. It is useful for running multiple servers on the same computer or making the server somewhat more private. The default port is 29070 and is incremented automatically by 1 if another server is started without a specified port.
Usage: +set net_port "portnumbergoeshere"
Sample: jamp.exe +set dedicated 1 +set net_port 29070


Some Usefull Player Commands [TOP]

Bind lines or commands to buttons on your keyboard or mouse.
Example: \bind x say "Hi everyone!"
Example: \bind n "set name Obi-Wan Kenobi; model reborn_new/default"

Toggles Frames Per Second display on when set to 1. Default is 0.

Shows time since map start. Timer counts up and can be used to check how much time is left on the current map if timelimit is set. Default is 0.

Toggles the display of Lag-O-Meter on when set to 1. the top graph (blue/yellow): A vertical line is painted for every rendered frame. if the line is blue and going down from the baseline that indicates a steady transition of frames from one to the next. A yellow line going up from the baseline means the frames are not being fully rendered in time. The bottom graph (green/yellow/red): A vertical line is painted for every received snapshot. If the line is green it indicates properly received snapshots, with the height of the bar proportional to the ping. If the bar is yellow it indicates that the snapshot was held back because it hit the rate limit. If the line is red it means the snapshot was dropped by the network.
In simple words: the top bar indicates serverlag, the lower bar indicates your own pinglag. Default is 0.

Allows the player to modify the speed when turning left or righ. Default is 140.

Sets the model for your player.
Example: \model reborn_new/default

Used to change your name.
Example: \name Obi-Wan
Note: if your name contains spaces, use the \set name command.
Example: \set name Obi-Wan Kenobi

Used to enter a password protected server.
Example: \password thisismypassword

Toggle fast rendering of skies. If set to 1, your FPS will go up but the sky textures will be gone. Default is 0.

rconpassword xxxxxx
Login as a rcon admin using your rconpassword.
Example: \rconpassword xxxxxx

Ps: dsl c en anglais


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